Dewa Athena : The Most Celebrated Sport Event at SMAN 3 Bandung

source : Dewa Athena's official account
Dewa Athena is a name for a sport competition in 3 Senior Highschool Bandung that held every year by its students. This event contains lots of sport games such as Badminton, Football, Basketball, Race, etc. It is held from 25th of March to 8th of April. The unique thing from Dewa Athena is that each class has to buy jerseys which they will use it during the competition. Each class represents different color for their jersey. Our class chooses dark blue as our class' jersey color. Here is a picture of mine.

source : My phone
During the event, I didn't get a chance to join any competitions. But, there are some competitions that we actually did well through the first and second day. Our Gobak Sodor and Race teams are managed to get through the semifinals. Unfortunately, we lost at the semifinals, but the Badminton players, Ado and Putra, they did an amazing job by winning the matches and climbed up to the finals against X Science 2. I really hope that I could watch it in the next Saturday, but I got a debate competition at UI, so I cannot support them directly. Don't get it wrong, I will still support them from far away. 

The competitions that I saw directly was team race, where you are running as a team and try to run as fast as you could to win the competition. In semifinals, we are competiting against X Science 2. At the beginning, the race between each team is very intense because both of them are very close. We actually could win if one of our friend didn't accidentally tripped her foot. But, it's okay, they already done such a great job getting through the semifinals.

The last competition that I remembered was Gobak Sodor. This traditional game consists of 10 players and there are two sessions for this game. Firstly, if you become a guardian, you will have to block and prevent the enemy from passing your defense. The second session is where you are trying to break through the opponents' defense and don't get touched by their hands. It was so fun seeing my friends playing Gobak Sodor, because that game needs a good teamwork and strategy. We lost this game to X Science 8. But, then again I'm still proud for my team because they already gave their best shot while playing that game.

In the end, the competition was very fun and there are lots of moral values in each competitions. Can't wait for next year's Dewa Athena!


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